Tuesday 18 September 2012


Facilities in Seri Manjung Resource Centre (SMRC):

 Cyber Zone

   The Cyber Zone is designed for the users to use for searching an information by using Information Technology(IT). There are 30 computers provided so that 30 people can use the computer at one time. All the computers provided will have the internet connection and users can surf the internet to find an information with the high speed of internet. Users need to register for the first use, then to use the computer, the users do not need to pay any single cents but they will be given only one hour per person and then the users only can extend the time to use the computer with the permission of the librarian staff.

 Art Corner

   Art Corner is one of the art corner that display all the creative art created by the users which is Sri Manjung’s students itself. The art that will display is a creative art that the student creates during art class which is one of the compulsory subjects for standard 1, 2 and 3. This zone also can give the new ideas to other users to become more creative.

TV Zone & TV Room

    There will be TV Zone available for the users to watch the information and interactive channel from the television so that they will enjoy studying with different method. For example channel that provided by Astro which are Astro TVIQ, TutorTV and Discovery channel. The television will be located at the open place so that the users can watch it as quick revision. Besides, it will be a time schedule that shows the chosen channel. Other than that there will also have a TV room that available to the users to watch specific video and here will become a place that open to the classes to gather in order to watch a video that based on study purpose. There has a time schedule for the video show. 

Practice Room

     Practice room is create for the users to have practice when they are needed to involve in the competition such as storytelling, coral speaking and pidato. The room will be a soundproof room. There also will be a small stage so that the users will experience like they are in real situation and the microphone are also will be provide.

Revision Room

   Revision room is provide to the users to use it when the users does not want to disturb by any voice when they do the revision. This room is also one of the soundproof room. The users need to have a permission first so that they can use the room. It is also provide a desk that give private space to the users to study. The room can be fill by 8 users only. This room is one of advantages to the students that have big exam.

Prayer Room

    The prayer room  will be provide to the staff and the users to use to perform solat. It is only a small room that is divided into 2 parts which is for male and female. It is also facilitated the place for wudhu for both male and female.     

Staff Room

   Staff room is available for the staffs to have a little rest.There are sofa provided to staff have some rest. Besides, there also have a small pantry that have small refrigerator, microwave, cabinet, sink, heater and small set of dining table so the staff can have their meal at this pantry.So, the staff can use the room during their free time.     


    There are two toilets available in the library. It is for staffs and students use.The toilet uses one for  the male and another for female . Each toilet will have sink, mirror and personal room.

Beverage & Snack Machine

   The beverage and snack machine are provide at the outside of the Sri Manjung Resource Center. It is available for the users have some snack when they feel hungry. At the side of the machine, there are also provide a bench to users to have a sit when having a snack and have a little chit chat with their friends.


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