Tuesday 18 September 2012

Activities in SMRC

 a)  Origami and Craft Class.
        Time: 8.00 a.m until 12 noon on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
        Teaching by: Art teacher
        Objectives: to stimulate student’s sense to be creative.

a.    To teach how to make origami using paper.
b.    To make new object using recycle product.
c.    To teach student to decorate their classroom.

   b)  Religion Class
        Time: Only on Friday morning, 7 a.m until 10 a.m
        Teaching by: Ustazah or Ustaz
        Objectives: To expose student about real Islamic and make sure student
                            can reading Quran.

              a.    To teach student how to reading correctly Quran.
              b.    To teach student about daily activities as Muslim and ways to be good Muslim.
              c.    Class for ‘taranum’, it teach student about correct reading in Quran.
              d.    Class ‘Kem Solat’, teach student about ‘solat’. 

   c)  Class "Know What You Surf"
        Time: Monday and Wednesday evening, 2.00 p.m until 5.00 p.m
        Teaching by: Multimedia teacher
        Objectives: to teach students about internet purpose and ways to surf with safely.

              a.    Teach students about important of internet.
              b.    Teach students about ‘do not click faster’. It teaching students to read and make 
                    sure the website that they surf save for viruses or cache.
              c.    Teach students do not be victims of IT.

   d)  Class for Information Skills
         Time: Thursday evening , 3.00 p.m until 5.00 p.m
          Teaching by: DRC staff
         Objective: to teach student about correct way to find information by using computer
               a.    This class teach student about search information in Internet.
               b.    Teach students using Boolean search.
               c.    Teaching student using website which provide database.

   e)  Reading Story Book
        Time: Everyday in schools day.
        Teaching by: DRC staff or students
        Objectives: to attract student to reading books

              a.    DRC staff will read story book for students.
             b.    Any kind story books are allowed to read for students as long as it have 
                moral story.
         c.    To express students participation in their group and develop communications skills.

   f)   Healthy Class
        Time: Monday morning and every weekend.
     Teaching by: DRC staff or teacher.
    Objectives: to produce healthy students and teach them about healthy life style
                         as students

              a.    Class for making ‘eat right for healthy right’
              b.    Teach students about hygienic life style.
              c.    Sometimes have aerobic class on weekend.


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